Sunday, 23 October 2011

Lesson 9

Today's lesson was about Emerging and Future Technologies which is the topic on which I did my individual oral presentation on!

Basically, this lesson had a large scope and allowed our imagination to run free about what could be come of the most useful or interesting emerging technologies today. Prof started off with some videos such as a video on claytronics and also a video on plastic technology which particularly intrigued me - it showed how we could make use of plastic for the many things that we do in our daily lives such as adjusting a price tag of product at work using a remote control, having plastic chips attached to your contact lenses and have the internet connected to your sight all the time, program the curtains at home to change color when you have visitors over etc. It was a really insightful video and I feel that if this technology could be implemented in future, the world will be a more convenient yet safe place to live in as not everything will depend on electricity and energy sources. Instead, plastic can be made use of to create wonderful technology.

Prof also showed another video on augmented reality which showed how a mobile phone can give you all the information you need by just pointing it at the object/location/person that you are interested in. Prof mentioned the idea of 'Live' Facebook which was interesting as well. Imagine if you just look at a person and all the information about him/her just appears in your mind. That is also actually pretty creepy! I believe with the rapidly advancing of the technology today, this is not impossible! In fact, I think people would be willing to dedicate large pools of resources into developing this as it provides convenience and efficiency but at the same time may spark off privacy issues as well.

Prof also posted the question as to whether IT systems can be smarter than humans - can they be creative? I believe that humans are not as complex that we think we are and systems can actually be so much smarter than us! I brought up the example that there is this system that IS students use for coding called Netbeans and the software actually predicts the mistakes that the user makes and prompts you to correct it. However, I believe Prof brought up a good point that systems cannot emote like humans and hence that may be a limitation, but they can, however, control how they simulate the emotions they portray to us.

The last speaker for the day, Hannah, shared on Tooth Regeneration Technology which I was really passionate about! Reason being, I am really afraid of dentists, the pain and the drilling sounds and the smell of the dental clinics! The whole idea of going to a dentist just freaks me out. Hence, when I heard about this technology from Hannah, I was really glad and expressed that I will be really receptive towards it. Also, I believe this technology will benefit others who fear the dentist like me, and also those who are image conscious. I feel that the painless technology using gel which regenerates and forms a new tooth will be a really good way to encourage people to get their teeth checked regularly. One disadvantage, though, could be that the gel covers your decay and may cause repercussions.

I personally rate this session 10/10 as many interesting ideas were shared and I learnt about many useful new technologies! (:

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